Psychopedagogical interventions with adolescents: demands and approaches


  • María Inés Barilá Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica - Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Analisa Castillo Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica - Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Paula Fuente TAE Escuela Secundaria. Modalidad de Educación Especial


Psycho pedagogical interventions, Technical equipment, Teens, Demands, State institutions


This study was carried out mainly to investigate inquiries and reflections within the framework of ongoing and completed research, of interventions that are carried out from extension projects and in an institutional project, all psychopedagogical spaces of the Atlantic Zone Regional University Center (CURZA) of the National University of Comahue (UNComa). Its purpose is to deepen the knowledge and analysis of different psycho pedagogical interventions that are carried out by different technical teams in some state institutions that work with adolescents, in the Atlantic Zone of Río Negro Province. In particular, the place of demand and psycho-pedagogical approaches in the Technical Team of Secondary Education of the Atlantic Zone (Supervision of Sierra Grande), in the Technical Team of the Secretariat of Children, and in the Ministry of Children, and in the Ministry of Agriculture, and in the Ministry of Adolescence and Family - SENAF - (San Antonio Oeste headquarters) and in the Technical Team of the Office of Victim Assistance - OF. A.VI. - (First Judicial District- Viedma headquarters). The selection of these areas was based on the professional responsibilities defined in Provincial Law No. 4360 “On the Exercise of the Profession of Educational Psychology. Province of Río Negro”. The research was framed in the qualitative methodology, the data collection techniques were in-depth interviews, carried out with educational psychologists from the areas addressed and the analysis of documents: laws, resolutions, protocols and/or intervention devices that frame the Role of technical teams and educational psychologists in the aforementioned state institutions.


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How to Cite

Barilá, M. I. ., Castillo, A., & Fuente, P. (2024). Psychopedagogical interventions with adolescents: demands and approaches. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 21(1), 35–60. Retrieved from