Las prácticas de Andinismo y la formación en Educación Física. Desafíos y problemáticas.
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The work describes some challenges in the professional training of the Physical Education Teachers of the Universitary Regional Center of Bariloche, dependent of the National University of the Comahue, Argentina, aimed at meeting the demands of the natural environment.
This career includes curricular activities that promote the corporal development and mobility from culturally relevant corporal practices in natural means: environment that has a motivating potential con- tributes to the integral formation from a transdisciplinary point of view, and promotes the autonomy of the individuals with exceptionalities in accordance with the constant decision making needs. The natural means offer ample motor possibilities that surpass stereotyped movements, favor the creative use of the body, and allow new settings for pedagogical intervention. The activities of Mountaineering have been consolidated as curricular contents, giving to this universitary educational training particular characte- ristics in close relation with the region.
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