An epistemological reading tool for the analysis of educational psychology texts


  • Sandra Bertoldi CURZA - Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
  • María del Carmen Porto CURZA - Universidad Nacional del Comahue.


Educational psychology research, Disciplinary epistemology, Methodological tolos


We begin by considering that when “something” of the learning and its vicisitudes are at stake there is the possibility of posing specific questions, that is, an investigation in the field of educational psychology may develop. From this premise and especially between 2004 and 2013, we studied the practices of the technical teams at schools because those practices are involved in the possibility of a person ́s schooling. (Bertoldi and Porto, 2012). During the course of this work we began to notice the conceptual categories and the arguments used by the professionals when asked to substantiate their choice. This observation led us to inquire –being our task at the moment- into the written theoretical productions of the educational psychologists in order to identify the foundation and the epistemological accuracy that underpin those categories. We regard this study extremely relevant as it is an investigation of a theoretical kind because- without ignoring the significance of the oral transmission- it is of high importance for our discipline that its professionals “present for consideration and discussion” the rationale behind the positions adopted in their practice. Besides, it can contribute to a conceptual regulation of the field which strenghtens the relation between science and profession since, fully agreeing with Roberto Follari and José Antonio Castorina (2013), this is task and responsibility of those who, holding their own point of view, practice the profession. Such regulation will support our practices as well as add social legitimacy to educational psychology. This undertaking also brought along a challenge of and a demand for a research methodological tool for its accomplishment. Thus, our concern here is to present some design considerations and the scopes of its implementation, prior revision of the background of this research group in relation to the selection and design of other study techniques.


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How to Cite

Bertoldi, S., & Porto, M. del C. (2017). An epistemological reading tool for the analysis of educational psychology texts. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 12(2), 64–71. Retrieved from