Quintú Quimün is a specialized journal published by the Master's in Linguistics and the Master's and Specialization in Applied Linguistics of the Faculty of Languages of the National University of Comahue. It is an annual, free access publication that promotes debate, the exchange of ideas and the dissemination of research in linguistics. All articles are subject to peer review.
Current Issue
No. 8 (2) (2024)
Quintú Quimün. Revista de lingüística.
Nº 8 (2) Jul-Dic 2024.
Edited by María Mare and Gabriela M. Zunino.
Includes Dossier Lenguaje y cognición: la interdisciplina en los estudios sobre procesamiento de lenguaje coordinated by Álvaro Cabana y Gabriela M. Zunino.
Published: 2024-11-30