Historicity of the world. Balzac reader of Walter Scott


  • Emilio Bernini Universidad de Buenos Aires


Historical novel, Scott, Critical reception, Balzac, Love, passion and politics, Domestication of the Gothic


This paper puts forward some propositions about the critical reception of Walter Scott's historical novel by Honoré de Balzac, in the 1820s and 1830s, on the axis of his novels Waverley and Les Chouans, respectively. The first proposition refers to the critical operation by which Scott's historical novel configures in Balzac the objective of the historical narration of manners, which is articulated in the system of The Human Comedy as “Études de Moeurs”. Secondly, this same critique, which extends to the historical novel of the French Romantics (Hugo, Vigny, Mérimée), implies the definition of a "historical realism", a representation of common life in history rather than great political events. Thirdly, Balzac receives from Scott a conception of the passion of love as constitutively political, as well as a historical, dynamic understanding of language. Finally, the realisms of both authors are shaped, in part, by operations of "domestication" of Gothic literature.


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Author Biography

Emilio Bernini, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Doctor en Letras por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras (UBA) y es Profesor Adjunto Regular de la materia Literatura del Siglo XIX de la misma Facultad. Publicó El método Rousseau. Un dinamismo de los conceptos (Las cuarenta) y, en colaboración, El siglo de la Revolución. Teatralidad, Secularización, Lenguaje Nuevo (Santiago Arcos). Tradujo Teresa filósofa, anónimo clandestino del siglo XVIII (El cuenco de Plata), la Carta a D’Alembert sobre los espectáculos (Arcis-Lom) y el Ensayo sobre el origen de las lenguas (Colihue) de Jean-Jacques Rousseau y una edición crítica de Lo Rojo y lo Negro de Stendhal (Corregidor), entre otras publicaciones en revistas académicas. También estudia la imagen audiovisual.


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How to Cite

Bernini, E. (2024). Historicity of the world. Balzac reader of Walter Scott. Language and Literature Magazine, (42), 23–34. Retrieved from https://revele.uncoma.edu.ar/index.php/letras/article/view/5646

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