Transborder narratives in French literature of the 21rst Century
Transborder narrative, Contemporary French literature, Inquiry narrative, Fait-divers, Filiation narrativeAbstract
The 21st century has seen the development of a tendency to blur the boundaries and reading pacts between fiction and non-fiction in art. In literature, because they transform a line of demarcation into a territory, we choose to call these types of texts “transborder narratives”, a terminology that implies that these productions can only exist in a society that is able to identify fiction and nonfiction. This vast international narrative territory incorporates documents, archives, historical facts, fait-divers, as well as other materials that inscribe the referential aspect, often in raw form. Even though the phenomenon is international, each cultural zone has produced narratives with specific characteristics. Some particular features of contemporary French cross-border texts will be studied taking as a starting point the classics Dora Bruder by Patrick Modiano (1997) and L'adversaire by Emmanuelle Carrère (2000), incorporating trends such as the filiation narrative, the investigation of a fait-divers, the articulation between literature and History.
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