Cuando hablamos de Historia... ¿de qué hablamos?

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María Rosa Carbonari


In the dictation of the first classrooms Career History often raise, to usher in the professional field, enabling certain reflections think its conformation as an area of knowledge. The task involves presenting different interpretations of events, processes and their temporal relation to the situation in which they are expressed. Thus, it seeks to help students understand the whys of the diversity of approaches and connections that can be established between the explanations made, the historical moment and referring to the current situation in which they are studying. The path is not easy nor simple and dialogue with the exercise of common sense conceptions of history is also proposed. That is, with the ways in which the word is part of everyday language and the different ways of constructing knowledge base whenever and livelihood is in the timing. In this paper we will address just that knot of reflections, particularly adhered to: 1) the aforementioned professional most common belief: the memoirs and rote learning; 2) the everyday use of the word "history", their contexts and scientific explanation; 3) three-dimensional time; and 4) the different and varied roles that are assigned to the story beyond its scientific construction.


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How to Cite
Carbonari, M. R. (2022). Cuando hablamos de Historia. ¿de qué hablamos?. Reseñas De Enseñanza De La Historia, (12), 198–224. Retrieved from
Author Biography

María Rosa Carbonari, Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto

Dra. en Historia, Directora Centro de Investigaciones Históricas, Prof. Introducción la Historia
Departamento de Historia Facultad. de Humanidades, UNRC


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