Las significaciones en la enseñanza del Cordobazo en el contexto de la Historia Reciente/Presente Argentina
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The fifty years of the Cordobazo, like all commemorations, constitute an invitation to reflect on its scope, limitations and legacies; a moment to examine, in the form of memory debate and its uses, this event "returns today" in a context of neoliberal advance, of disarticulation of traditional social movements, of a continuous present that annulled the past as experience and the future as expectation.
"What's behind that keeps beating?" Asked Casullo(2007) about the sixties and seventies. And he answered: "Read the present from an absence, from what could not be". This way of revisiting that experience constitutes a starting point to reflect on the senses acquired by the presence of the "Cordobazo" as school content.
We know that History finds one of the most widespread social uses in the school space. Also that in its incorporation to the curriculum, under the format of school disciplines and the habitual forms of management of the past in the classroom, not a few historical experiences are crystallized, "they stop beating", retaking the image proposed by the Argentine philosopher.
Interpellate this process / historical content from the question of the purposes of its teaching, in a key "contrasocializadora" of the epochal times and stress certain habitual stories, constitutes the axis of a rigorous exercise of theoretical-epistemological reflection that we propose develop in this work with the aim of guiding subsequent didactic sequences.
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