Interior reading, Reader, Body, Text, PhenomenologyAbstract
The purpose of this research is the study of the body as an access to the text. Also, how the text penetrates in the body of the reader, considering it as if would be other. During the reading this subject, from his/her body, is vulnerable to the glance of the text, as if were other. This situation allows the appropriation of the other body by the reader, such a thing happens when a deep stimulation comes from the text as other. Another main object of this study is to understand the reading as happening and embodiment, since in the embodiment of this reader he/she learns, once more, to see the world, the own body, and this fully happens during the “doing to see” the other. From the methodological point of view we try to make a phenomenology of the reader subject, who when meets the philosophical, literary and artistic text (with it and, through it) em-body him/herself to the show he/she already belonged without knowing it or watching it . Finally, we would say that the subject reader is meat (chair as in Merleau Ponty), its ontology is carnal, since it is embodied. The ecstasy of this being is to come out of him/herself perceiving the world of the text that he/she can receive because is embodied, is able to embody the text without coming out of him/her self and without getting loss in his/her reader world, becomes integrated to it, allows to be absorbed in an action-passive passion play. He/she meets in some place with the text world and, in the happening of the reading they establish a common texture.
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