A way of intervention psychopedagogily into school difficulties in the begin of Middle Level


  • María del Carmen Porto Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica, Universidad Nacional del Comahue
  • Soledad Vercellino Centro Universitario Regional Zona Atlántica, Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Teenagers, Teachers, Index of students who repeat or desert, State middle school of Rio Negro


The high index of students who repeat a year or desert from the rionegrine state middle school has been report by statistic analyses and the educate community integrants. In the present article we will describe how some persistence presents in a scientific research are the base for the design of a psychopedagogy intervention that bet to mitigate this problematic’s effect. This institutional intervention has been developed in Viedma city (Rio Negro Province) between the years 2001/2002, and implemented meetings with pupils, professors and parents of the first year of a Media Education Centres. In this meetings, that each participant would be, in his own time and modality, say and do about 'this' that disturb him, was, all the time, propitiated. This work will show too, how the execution and continue evaluation of this experience permitted us ratify the categories that had been its base and produce new, like the category: Difficult School Situations.


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How to Cite

Porto, M. del C., & Vercellino, S. (2023). A way of intervention psychopedagogily into school difficulties in the begin of Middle Level. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 1(1), 1–8. Retrieved from https://revele.uncoma.edu.ar/index.php/psico/article/view/4760

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