Teachers' conceptions of argumentation in entering university students
Argumentation, Teacher-perspective, Education, College-teachers, College-studentsAbstract
We understand argumentation as the ability to evaluate different positions about a topic and coordinate statements with evidence, allowing the student to build knowledge. In the college educational context, is relevant since it produces positive effects on learning, from improving conceptual understanding to the possibility of entering into dialogue with other disciplines to carry out joint work. As a socio-culturally acquired competence, the teacher plays an important role in the development of the student's argumentation, therefore, the teacher's perspective on the argumentation can influence their teaching; In this way, we proposed: (a) To investigate the teacher's perspective on argumentation; (b) Analyze the teacher's perspective on his role in the development of the argumentative competence of the new college student. Four interviews were conducted with teachers that belong to the first year of a school of psychology in Rosario with a semistructured interview that allowed investigating various topics about their perspectives on the argumentation. We find that teachers highlight the conceptual dimension of the argumentation over other dimensions, having difficulties to articulate different dimensions of it. On the other hand, they are away from an authoritarian perspective on education, which brings them closer to the argumentative model. This research is relevant to the college educational field as it makes explicit aspects of the teacher’s perspectives on which to work together with them allowing the development of argumentation in the classroom.
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