Socrates and teaching. The Socratic dialectic


  • Gregorio Valera-Villegas Universidad Central de Venezuela y Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Artes.


Socrates, Teaching, Philosophical hermeneutics, Love teacher.


In this work we perform a hermeneutic exercise, an interpretation, from our present and from our circumstance, to put into play once more Socrates and his work historically located, and at the same time try to go much further than what we know about it and of ourselves; because it is a hermeneutic exercise of updating and application to present a work that cannot be anchored in the past, if it is truly a classic. It is, therefore, an exercise that refers to the past itself, but as a something and a someone, Socrates and his art of teaching and Socrates teacher of love, which makes sense in our present, in this way to bet on overcoming the temporal distances and the differences to make them profitable.


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How to Cite

Valera-Villegas, G. (2019). Socrates and teaching. The Socratic dialectic. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 16(1), 22–31. Retrieved from

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