Profile of the members and presidents of the Juntas Vecinales of Viedma's city


  • Mabel Álvarez CURZA - Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Local participation, Juntas vecinales, Characterization of the members


This article departs from the results of the investigation realized during the year 2005 to 2009 that it had as axis analyze the participation of the Juntas Vecinales of Viedma's city in the municipal management and the capacity of incident in the local policies. From the application of a survey of you join the Juntas Vecinales members it was investigated in such aspects as sex, age, exage of residence in the city and in the neighborhood, level of studies, composition of the familiar group, labor activity, level of income, exage in the local management, motivation to take part, time dedicated to the work in the Junta, form of summons and degree of participation of other members of the organization and of the neighbors in general and projects stimulated between the most significant.The analysis was realized in two moments, the first one by 160 surveys realized to the different charges (President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer, Member and Account reviser) and the second moment of the analysis focused only in the Presidents for thinking that those who occupy these charges present major commitment and activity in his respective Juntas Vecinales. The product of both levels of analysis was the characterization of the profile of the members of these community organizations. Likewise, one worked with the technology of focal groups with the purpose of investigating such aspects as the perceptions it brings over of the participation of the neighbors and other members of the Junta Vecinal and the contributions that these realize to the Local Development.


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How to Cite

Álvarez, M. (2018). Profile of the members and presidents of the Juntas Vecinales of Viedma’s city. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 13(1), 1–15. Retrieved from