Art, politics and subjectivity. Some thoughts from the analysis of the grupo de arte callejero


  • Marile di Filippo UNR; CONICET; UBA; UCSF.


Art, Politics, Subjectivity, Grupo de Arte Callejero


This article seeks to analyze some artistic interventions of the Grupo de Arte Callejero in order to shoot some reflections about the links between art, politics and subjectivity. To this purpose, at
first, once it has been established the emergency context of this group and has been briefly narrated its configuration, motivations and main characteristics, the paper describes the practices on which the analysis is focused, namely: a group of actions grouped by the form of escrache (Carteles viales, Juicio y castigo, Carteles de la memoria y Aquí viven genocidas) and de case of Blancos Móviles. In a second analytical time, based on the aforementioned practices, the article deals with the ways of doing politics of the group and the topic of political subjectivity, showing how these practices, through the modes by which re-encode public space and appropriate it, are
proof not only of renewed ways of doing politics from art but also of an intense work on the aesthetic dimension of politics.


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How to Cite

di Filippo, M. (2017). Art, politics and subjectivity. Some thoughts from the analysis of the grupo de arte callejero. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(2), 12–22. Retrieved from