Huellas y marcas para pensar la historia regulada en Córdoba
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We present here the analysis of History Programs of High School High Schools (CBU - Unified Basic Cycle - and Specialization Cycle) in the city of Córdoba. Specialization Cycle) of the city of Córdoba. The program, as a text, shows teachers' decisions that place it as a curricular agent. as a curricular agent. We understand it as a teaching proposal and, in itself, a process of selection of relevant contents to be socially transmitted. of relevant contents to be socially transmitted, which, therefore, participates in the invention therefore, participates in the invention of a tradition. A process in which are present, on the one hand, what has been established by the competent competent bodies at the ministerial level -regulated history- from the official recontextualizing from the official recontextualizing field, and from the pedagogical recontextualizing recontextualizing pedagogical field (Bernstein, 1998). And, on the other hand the trajectories of teacher training, the institutional conditions and the institutional conditions and the interrelationships that are expected to occur in the classroom. expected to occur in the classroom.
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