El libro didáctico de historia en las escuelas primarias en Santa Catarina
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This essay has the objective of presenting the results of the re-search about History teaching in order to analyze and compre-hend the changes and steadiness’s, the inclusions and exclusions, the stereotypes, prejudices, the ethnocentric views, the images, and the contents that are shown about the Indian thematic in the school culture. In other words, the present research was carried to try to unfold which representations and meanings are brought in the pedagogical books and how they contribute to give a new meaning to the History teaching, one that will stimulate the for-mation of a citizen and historical conscious. The research con-cludes showing that there is a persistency to bring in books a re-presentation of Indian thematic through stereotypes, prejudice and an ethnocentric view. This is made clear when Indians are categorized as generic Indians, with generic cultural traits; when they are categorized as coadjuvant actors in history, as supersti-tious, and as inferior beings. Is this sense, there is a need to con-tinue to perfect the school culture analysis, contributing to the understanding and implementation of politics and knowledge that meet the actual challenges of the new century concerning the way the ethnic groups are treated and the teaching of history in Brazil.
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