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The aim of this paper is to draw the attention on some difficulties that students from the History Course of Studies, at Universidad Nacional del Comahue, are facing when attending the subject: Methodology and Techniques of Historical Research, which is in the fourth year of the curricula. These difficulties are conceived as such when they become impediments in the process of allowing students to think about themselves as “intellectuals capable of transforming reality”, as Henry Giroux would say. The analysis of these difficulties will be focused on the ways of knowing and on the type of relationship with the knowledge the students express. The considerations to be made are preliminary and therefore, they aim to help the task of explaining the relevance and the impact of some practices that we, as teachers, propose to our students, during their formation period. The students are able to carry out some activities while they are unable to do some others. Besides, they can achieve certain tasks but they cannot do others. From these results, we are in a position to infer the process and the characteristics of their cognitive operations. Consequently, these traces are the hard core of their way of knowing and of getting in contact with knowledge during their formative stage at our institution: Universidad Nacional del Comahue.
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