Primary schools with extended school hours and single-parent families: reconfigurations of practices and meanings around the schooling of children


  • María Soledad Fernández Universidad Nacional de Río Negro - Sede Andina, IFDC Bariloche


School time extension, Single parent families, Schooling


In the year 2006 the elementary schools of the Rio Negro province started a series of changes regarding the extension of the hours of children attendance. The change in school hours also brought a number of changes regarding the relationship between the school and the families of the children. This paper aims to analise, from an etnographical point of view, how these changes are experienced from the perspectives of single mothers in charge of taking care and schooling their children. The tensions between families with a single parent and the extension of school hours is then brought into focus, observing the relationships, negotiations and resistances that take place inside the very idea of what schooling means.


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How to Cite

Fernández, M. S. (2018). Primary schools with extended school hours and single-parent families: reconfigurations of practices and meanings around the schooling of children. Pilquen Magazine. Psychopedagogy Section, 14(2), 40–49. Retrieved from