The rift, anti-politics and value: critique of abstract labor and money in the writings of John Holloway


  • Jaime Ortega Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana - Xochimilco. México


Critical theory, Abstract work, Value criticism.


In recent years the "critical theory of society" received a boost from the work of John Holloway. However, this update of an aspect widely known in social thought has had to dialogue and negotiate with other perspectives. Holloway's work becomes a subject of study insofar as it allows us to think of concepts and categories that modify the theoretical space from which it starts, thereby configuring the passage from a theory of capitalist society to a theory against society. To what extent this purpose is achieved and what are the routes that are covered, is the central theme of this text.


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How to Cite

Ortega, J. (2021). The rift, anti-politics and value: critique of abstract labor and money in the writings of John Holloway. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 24(4), 97–108. Retrieved from