The forms of organization and management in Pampeanas agricultural companies: study of cases of big productive units in the northwest of the Province of Buenos Aires


  • Manuela Moreno CONICET; Centro IESAC - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


Pampean agro, Organization, Production, Management, Agricultural enterprises


The kind of organization and management in pampeanas agricultural companies: study of case of big productive units in the northwest of the province of Buenos Aires. The Pampean agriculture has
undergone a series of transformations in recent decades, have gained momentum and notoriety. Among these changes we can identify issues related to the social forms of production and
management within the sector. On this issue, several authors have noticed how new agents have been introduced, others have disappeared and others converted. In this sense, we have conducted
research on what happens to all kinds of enterprise-level organization of work and management in order to account for the complexity of the production units today. Considering these issues, this article attempts to address the profile of agricultural enterprises of medium-large size, taking as a case study a small group of productive units north-northwest of the province of Buenos Aires. From the consideration these units, will be compared of the profile taking into account the origin, production methods and the types of links between subjects within companies. This will reflect on
traditional and other forms among the largest strata of productive units agrarian.


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How to Cite

Moreno, M. (2017). The forms of organization and management in Pampeanas agricultural companies: study of cases of big productive units in the northwest of the Province of Buenos Aires. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 17(2). Retrieved from