From magazines’ tradition to the virtual world. Approach to digital cultural publications in the argentine intellectual field in the last decade


  • Diego Vigna CIECS - CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Córdoba


Digital collective publications, Intellectual field, Literature, criticism and journalism, Publishing formats, Syntax Media.


In this paper we approach to one of most dynamic phenomena in the Argentine intellectual field in the last decade, which is the development of digital collective publications working from criticism,
fiction, academic and journalistic production by promoting the discussion of ideas and collecting a long heritage of print publications that have gave form and structure to the Argentine intellectual
field during the twentieth century. The inquiry is oriented starting from a question: what own specific characteristics do the digital cultural publications have in compared to printed publications, and what kind of content is published? This paper is guided by the hypothesis that this type of publication, in this intellectual, cultural and artistic production period at the country, is offered as vehicle to understand the state of the field, in regard to the discussion of ideas and artistic projects, as well as the interference that supplementation of media has begun to take on these phenomena’s field.


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How to Cite

Vigna, D. (2017). From magazines’ tradition to the virtual world. Approach to digital cultural publications in the argentine intellectual field in the last decade. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(3), 21–35. Retrieved from