Chasing Indicators or “The Indicators Chase us” A Management Experience that Introduces The Concept of "Artisanal Internationalization” Trying to Value The Qualitative over the Quantitative


  • Mariano Fernández Ameghino Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche


Management, Internationalization, Bicentennial Universities


This management experience shows a decade leading the coordination of an International Relations office in one of the Argentine universities created in the 21st century, the so-called Bicentennial Universities. This article is necessary to share practices that generate a great impact on institutions, with sensations that are difficult to quantify and measure. At the same time, the sensations are not enough to sustain the management of internationalization over time as it is being carried out. In universities there are substantive, established and agreed functions, such as Teaching, Research and Extension. On the other hand, there are transversal functions such as the Editorial, the Library, and Virtuality. In this line, and with capital letters, Internationalization should be. In summary, it is proposed to bear witness to what has been done so far while highlighting the needs for the times to come. While we yearn for comprehensive internationalization and strive for institutional internationalization, we do, without blushing, artisanal internationalization.


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How to Cite

Fernández Ameghino, M. (2023). Chasing Indicators or “The Indicators Chase us” A Management Experience that Introduces The Concept of "Artisanal Internationalization” Trying to Value The Qualitative over the Quantitative. REDALINT Magazine. University, Internationalization and Regional Integration, 1(5), 164 a 177. Retrieved from



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