Maurice Sachs, Larceny and Problematic Memory
Turncoat, Chameleonic, Abjection, Problematic SelfAbstract
This article is proposed as a profile and question about biographemes and their literary imbrication in the work and figure of Maurice Sachs (1906-1945), a completely controversial writer, whose position in the domain of French literature during the Occupation and in the post-war period, continues to have a problematic status. Sachs, author of memoirs and camouflaged autobiographies, who disguises facts and characters while giving us vivid portraits of his turbulent times, is, in himself, a prototype of the chameleon-like identities that under an occupied Paris served the Nazi enemy in abominable collusions and abjections that, almost unequivocally, the author reflects in his varied and unclassifiable work that surpasses genres. As a question, this critical-biographical sketch aims to enable the unknowns of a cursed writer and his problematic self.
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