On The Expressive Theory Of Art And The Thoughts Of Nelson Goodman And Arthur Danto
Art, Danto, Expression, Philosophy, GoodmanAbstract
Philosophy, in response to a certain essentialist urge, has been compelled, throughout its history, to conceptualize or define complex terms such as art. One of the most accepted and well-founded theories in relation to this task is that which defines works of art as forms of expression. In recent centuries, expression has become a concept closely linked to artistic activity. The advent of analytical philosophy and its emphasis on the linguistic sphere fostered interest in defining the expressive phenomenon as a means of representing reality. In this context, authors such as Nelson Goodman and Arthur Danto, conceived, in their respective thoughts, expression as a process of artistic symbolization. Both authors, who combined analytical methodology and aesthetic concern in their work, contributed to the legitimization of expressivist theory. Through the interrelation of his theories, it is observed how Goodman laid the foundations that would later be taken up and expanded by Danto, in order to form one of the most influential and representative ideologies of contemporary art.
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