The Memory up in the Sky. About Voyager by Nona Fernández and Estrellas muertas by Álvaro Bisama


  • María del Pilar Vila Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Nona Fernández, Voyager, Álvaro Bisama, Estrellas muertas, Memory, Universidad Nacional del Comahue


Several Chilean writers born in the '70s appeal to memory as a privileged mechanism so that nothing is forgotten, so that everything is kept in sight. This is therefore an operation that tends to succeed in preventing complex and painful events from falling into oblivion or being considered not interesting enough so as to be remembered. Thus, men and women, particularly those who received the information of the dictatorial events through other voices and other reading materials, will stop living in a time with no memory. Voyager by Nona Fernández (2010) and Estrellas muertas (2020) by Álvaro Bisama are two books that allude to the times of dictatorship in Chile through the reconstruction of a painful time, through the voices of those who did not experience that period. Many characters from these novels were informed through other people’s accounts in which deliberate omissions were not lacking, a question that leads to piecing together that period by appealing, on the one hand, to factual data that need to be reinterpreted and, on the other hand, to the reconstruction of a fragmented memory.


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Textos literarios citados

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Fernández, Nona. La dimensión desconocida. Santiago de Chile: Random House Mondadori, 2016.

García Huidobro, Beatriz. El espejo roto. Santiago de Chile: LOM Ediciones, 2010. Versión ebook.

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Piglia, Ricardo. Los años felices. Barcelona: Anagrama, 2016.

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How to Cite

Vila, M. del P. . (2022). The Memory up in the Sky. About Voyager by Nona Fernández and Estrellas muertas by Álvaro Bisama. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 25(2), 1–19. Retrieved from