Contributions of Bob Jessop's strategic relational approach to analysis of state action


  • Melisa Orta Centro de Estudios Interdisciplinarios - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Universidad Nacional de Rosario


Strategic Relational Approach, State Action, Human Right to Water and Sanitation.


The objective of the present work is to address the academic discussion about how to analyze the actions of the State in the implementation of development processes. In this sense, different theoretical streams that have contributed to this discussion will be revisited, focusing on the proposal of Bob Jessop to conceive the State as a complex social relation and analyze its actions from a Relational Strategic Approach. Finally, the main contributions of this approach are presented to reflect on what are the dimensions that must be considered to study the actions of the State in the process of social production of services that guarantee the human right to water and sanitation.


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How to Cite

Orta, M. (2020). Contributions of Bob Jessop’s strategic relational approach to analysis of state action. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 23(2), 1–13. Retrieved from