Towards an antinuclear discourse: rebuttal and re-signification processes in the public polemic over nuclear power in Argentina


  • Agustín Piaz Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Universidad Nacional de San Martín


Nuclear Power, Controversies, Public Polemic, Discourse, Environment.


This work focuses on the public polemic over nuclear power in Argentina. We identify and analyze processes of rebuttal and re-signification of arguments held by promoting sectors of nuclear power in the article The nuclear crack. Departing from an instrumental use of discourse analysis, and paying particular attention to the argumentative function of the topoi, we study a key dimension of the dichotomization mechanism conformed by the processes of rebuttal and re-signification of arguments that constitute the `nuclear speech´. We argued that the rebuttal and re-signification of the conceptualizations of nuclear technology as clean, safe and cheap in the case study makes possibly to identify the emergence of a counter-discourse that we propose to define as an antinuclear discourse.


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How to Cite

Piaz, A. (2019). Towards an antinuclear discourse: rebuttal and re-signification processes in the public polemic over nuclear power in Argentina. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 22(4), 25–35. Retrieved from

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