Fish production in North Patagonia: A first analysis based on the value chain approach


  • Jésica Sarmiento Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; CONICET
  • Andrés Niembro Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; CONICET
  • Martín Civitaresi Universidad Nacional de Río Negro; CONICET


Global value chains, Governance, Aquaculture, Regional development


Although fish farming has been developed for several decades in Argentina and, particularly, in North Patagonia, there are few studies that systematically analyze the characteristics of the agents that intervene in this productive chain and the relationships that exist between them. The article seeks to address this research niche through the application of the analytical approach of global value chains, which has been widely used to study aquaculture production in other parts of the world. Understanding how the chain is structured can help to identify problems and to think public policies for sectorial development.


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How to Cite

Sarmiento, J., Niembro, A., & Civitaresi, M. (2019). Fish production in North Patagonia: A first analysis based on the value chain approach. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 22(1), 13–25. Retrieved from