Parents Federation and the right to an education in Río Negro. Insights from Río Negro newspaper (1990-1992)


  • Glenda Miralles Universidad Nacional del Comahue Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas
  • Luciana Betancur Universidad Nacional del Comahue Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas


Discourses, Educational system of Río Negro, Print media, Social Representations, Parent federation.


This paper addresses education problems in the Province of Río Negro through the print media during the early 90´s. The concern for studying and inquiring into the role of the print media as shaper of representations and social-political discourses on education is in the line of research that the research team on History of Education at National University of Comahue (UNCo) has been carrying out. Print media as a socialization element and history source has become a valuable resource, since it reflects conceptions and interests on a specific period and has gained a significant role in discussing the problems of regional education. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to address by means of critical analysis the role of print media, to wit, Río Negro newspaper in the emergence of the Parent Federation of the Province of Río Negro (Federación de Padres de la Provincia de Río Negro); and on the other hand to analyze the newspaper language, focusing on discourse strategies that aided in building discourses and representations in relation to the new Federation. The analysis, which covers the period (1990-1992), showed as a novelty the parents participation, who self- called to defend education and positioned as a third force within the salary conflict which in the past was settled only between the teachers and the government. The reason for choosing this newspaper was due to its unquestionable influence on the north Patagonia. Since its foundation at the beginning of the 20th century, the newspaper showed a significant quantitative and qualitative growth, and it positioned as one of the most important newspapers in the whole region and in the Patagonia.


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How to Cite

Miralles, G., & Betancur, L. (2018). Parents Federation and the right to an education in Río Negro. Insights from Río Negro newspaper (1990-1992). Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 21(4), 57–68. Retrieved from