Governmentalization of biodiversity: a study of control mechanisms


  • Cecilia Diaz Isenrath Universidad Nacional de Cuyo


Governmentality, Biodiversity, Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge


In this paper, I analyze how environmental issues transform in socio-environmental issues inscribed in national and international agreements. I problematize, from the point of view of what Foucault called “neoliberal governmentality”, specialized knowledges and procedures of control that, since the 1990s, have as correlate the constitution of biodiversity as object for possible knowledges and a series of new domains of knowledge, such as traditional knowledge associated with genetic resources. Over the course of this study, I examine interweaving’s between scientific concepts, administrative knowledges, and inter and intra-state and inter-state norms, such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Nagoya Protocol and the National Biodiversity Strategy.


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How to Cite

Diaz Isenrath, C. (2018). Governmentalization of biodiversity: a study of control mechanisms. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 21(3), 45–54. Retrieved from

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