Shooting is like knitting. Gender, training and learning in the use of weapons by police of the province of buenos aires


  • Sabrina Calandrón Instituto de Investigaciones Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales - CONICET; Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Departamento de Ciencias Sociales - Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.


Physical Force, Police, Gender, Ethnographic fieldwork, Province of Buenos Aires


This article analyzes the apprenticeship and training in the use of physical force by members of the Police of the Province of Buenos Aires. The study of this issue is linked in this text to the meanings
of gender. The gender becomes relevant approaching or distancing, sealing or enabling certain police’s experiences. This paper explores two native theories about learning the use of force. The first one indicates that the proper use of weapons is conditioned by the responsibility and safety of the bearer to the gun. The second emphasizes on the marksmanship and the physical abilities of the
policemen. This article shows one of the possible relations between femininity and the use of physical force. For this objective we collect circumstances in which women appear as perpetrators and users of weapons and techniques for physical coercion. All circumstances were compiled in ethnographic fieldwork in police precincts of the Province of Buenos Aires.


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How to Cite

Calandrón, S. (2017). Shooting is like knitting. Gender, training and learning in the use of weapons by police of the province of buenos aires. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 17(2). Retrieved from