Circulation, traffic and displacement: an account to discuss the government of childhood in the 21 st century


  • Valeria Llobet Centro de Estudios en Desigualdades, Sujetos e Instituciones (CEDESI); Universidad Nacional de San Martín; CONICET


Space, Childhood, Governmentally, Inequalities


Focusing in children’s movements and reading Latin America in "South" key, the author goes through an analysis taking account of the mediate case of a Syrian toddler found died in a Greek beach. From three kind of movements –circulation, traffic and displacement– it is discussed the way in which is articulated governmentally, space and childhood notions, in order to support its sustantive character in contemporary process of inequalities reproduction.


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How to Cite

Llobet, V. (2017). Circulation, traffic and displacement: an account to discuss the government of childhood in the 21 st century. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(4), 71–78. Retrieved from