Literature, politics and experience: Rodolfo Walsh and the CGT de los Argentinos


  • Valeria A. Caruso


Rodolfo Walsh, politics, literatura, CGT de los Argentinos, Quentin Skinner


This article analyzes Rodolfo Walsh’s experience in the CGT de los Argentinos (CGTA). We explore the conceptual innovations introduced by the author of Quien mató a Rosendo? about the articulation between literature and politics in relation to his participation in the central union. We examine the observable changes the author experienced by reviewing his personal diary from an analytical perspective that restart the theoretical and methodological framework to address political ideas laid out by Quentin Skinner. This enables a more complex analysis of the
current historiographical narratives between art and politics that took place in Argentina during the 1960’s.


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How to Cite

Caruso, V. A. (2017). Literature, politics and experience: Rodolfo Walsh and the CGT de los Argentinos. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(3), 52–65. Retrieved from