Sharecropping in horticulture. Although insufficiently, legislation needed for an associated agreement


  • Matías García CONICET- UNLP - Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche
  • Edgardo González IPAF - UNLP - Universidad Nacional Arturo Jauretche
  • Soledad Lemmi CONICET - UNLP - UNQui.


Sharecropping, Work regime, Horticulture


The New Pawn Statute sanctioned in 2011 and recurrent inspections performed in La Plata horticulture are responsible for the visibility of a conflict that occurs within the activity and is a sequel to the almost total insecurity and exploitation of the workforce. The characteristics of the activity make for family horticultural production impossible to comply with labor laws. As the persistence of these small producers may not be at the expense of workers, specific alternatives
must be sought, as could be associated labor. Sharecropping in the horticultural sector is far from an agreement between associated. In practice, this is an even more precarious wage exploitation,
because not even have a fixed or secure compensation, depending reached this production and the prices obtained. In this paper we propose to review the current legislation governing the sharecropping, compare it with the actual practice, and then propose amendments to the rules of these associated agreements that fits the reality of the sector, step necessary but not sufficient for
the viability of agriculture - mainly- family and respect for working conditions.


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How to Cite

García, M., González, E., & Lemmi, S. (2017). Sharecropping in horticulture. Although insufficiently, legislation needed for an associated agreement. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(3), 66–80. Retrieved from