Tuberculosis and care logics in vulnerable slumns in buenos aires, argentina


  • María Victoria Castilla CONICET; FLACSO; Universidad Nacional de La Matanza
  • Cynthia Ferrari Mango CONICET; FLACSO; Universidad Nacional de La Matanza


Social policies, Dynamic networks of care, Tuberculosis, Everyday life


From ethnographic research that have been developing in vulnerable neighborhoods in the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires, Argentina, this paper critically we analyze the relationship between the macro - structural political, economic and social processes and the characteristics and types of care, suffering and sufferings of the people living in marginal, poor and vulnerable neighborhoods. We describe and analyze the logic of self - care present in people diagnosed with
tuberculosis and their relational networks, considering in particular the labor dynamics and the presence of social policies at home.


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How to Cite

Castilla, M. V., & Ferrari Mango, C. (2017). Tuberculosis and care logics in vulnerable slumns in buenos aires, argentina. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(3), 36–49. Retrieved from