Coreference resolution for capture of events


  • Lucía Cantamutto Universidad Nacional del Sur; CONICET.
  • David Buján Universidad de Deusto-DeustoTech
  • Joseba Abaitua Universidad de Deusto-DeustoTech
  • Jesús Luis Díaz Labrador Universidad de Deusto-DeustoTech
  • Josu Bermúdez Universidad de Deusto-DeustoTech


Coreference, Event capture, Resolution algorithm, Simple Event Model, Linked open data


The algorithm (proposed by Raghunathan et al. 2010) sequentially performs a series of pass of recognition, and allows to go incrementally proposing candidates to coreferenced between named
entities in the text. The article briefly presents the work of adapting the algorithm Stanford Multi Pass Sieve and other analysis tools (OpeNer) to texts in Spanish (and other Agerri 2013, Bermúdez
2013). The result is a fragmented speech in sentences with full sense, that even being independent of the speech have not lost the discursive framework they belong (to inherit metadata
documentaries). This can feed the event-based knowledge systems, or be linked to deposits of open data, or published independently (vg. as tweets). As a result, the article offers an example of manual analysis that, in further research, will be automatic.


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How to Cite

Cantamutto, L., Buján, D., Abaitua, J., Díaz Labrador, J. L., & Bermúdez, J. (2017). Coreference resolution for capture of events. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(2), 40–49. Retrieved from