Je deviens brahme: Indian influences in the poetics of Gustave Flaubert


  • Jorge Luis Caputo Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad del Salvador; Universidad Católica Argentina


Flaubert, India, Correspondence


Towards 1846, Gustave Flaubert undertook the writing of a conte oriental which, like other works of the time, remained unfinished and unpublished. For this project, Gustave carried out a series of ‘orientalist’ readings (the Bhagavad-Gita, the hymns of the Rig-Veda, among others) which, in addition to serving the text he was preparing, would have a profound impact on the first version of La Tentation de Saint Antoine (1849). However, the importance of that bibliographical research is not limited to its mere documentary use: in fact, as verified when reviewing the correspondence of the period, the Hindu and Buddhist texts read by Flaubert play a specific role in the transformation of his narrative poetics, which will be consolidated after the trip he actually makes to the East from 1849 to 1851.

The purpose of this article is to trace those marks and analyze that influence by reading Flaubert's correspondence between 1846 and 1847. Thus, we hope to demonstrate that, in addition to providing him with a more or less ‘exotic’ imagery, the religions and texts of India provide Flaubert with a subtle conceptual framework that, on the one hand, reinforces the literary evolution undertaken a year earlier and, on the other, determines, for the future, new conceptions of the imagination, the impersonality of the artist and, above all, the development of a notion of reading as a specific act of mental creation.


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Author Biography

Jorge Luis Caputo, Universidad de Buenos Aires; Universidad del Salvador; Universidad Católica Argentina

Licenciado en Letras por la UBA y Doctorando en Literatura por la misma universidad. Su tema de investigación se centra en la experiencia de la temporalidad en la obra de Gustave Flaubert. Es docente en la cátedra de Literatura Francesa de la UBA, de Literatura Comparada en la UCA y de Historia y Teoría del Teatro en la USAL. También se desempeña como docente de Literatura en Lengua Extranjera en el IES Nº 1 Alicia Moreau de Justo. Ha publicado diversos artículos sobre su tema de investigación en revistas académicas y ha participado como redactor del Dictionnaire Flaubert (Honoré Champion). Ha traducido textos de Flaubert, Baudelaire, Musset, Rancière, Banon, Fourier, entre otros.


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How to Cite

Caputo, J. L. (2024). Je deviens brahme: Indian influences in the poetics of Gustave Flaubert. Language and Literature Magazine, (42), 47–59. Retrieved from