Proceso de evaluación por pares

In order to guarantee the quality of the publications, the review of the articles is carried out by experts of recognized prestige in the field of social sciences. This process is carried out in a double-blind system, which guarantees the anonymity of authors and reviewers.

The articles received must be original, unpublished and not be simultaneously submitted to other journals. Once the work is sent to the editorial office of Revista Pilquen, the internal review by the Editorial Committee begins, based on the basic fulfillment of Pilquen's editorial requirements.

Next, the date of arrival of the paper is registered and an e-mail is sent to the authors stating that the paper has been received and indicating that the peer review process has begun. Once the paper is accepted, it will be submitted to double blind, anonymous and external evaluation by academic peers. If there is no unanimity in the evaluation, a third evaluator will be called.

The results of the evaluation (acceptance, rejection or suggestion of modification) will be made known by means of a report to the authors, which will be sent by e-mail. In case modifications are suggested, the author or authors should send the new version within a period of approximately fifteen days. This is then sent back to the reviewer(s) who raised objections for reevaluation.

Based on the report submitted by the reviewers, the editorial team will consider the publication/rejection of the work, or the making of modifications for its publication.

Estimated time frame:

    • Initial review: 1 month
    • Initial decision for reviewed articles: 1 month
    • From article submission to acceptance 4 months
    • From acceptance to publication: 6 months


Pilquen Journal, Social Sciences Section, does not charge article processing or publication fees.

The protocol used by the external reviewers can be consulted at the following link: