Kant: Democracy against Republic


  • Onelio Trucco Universidad Nacional de Córdoba; Universidad Nacional de Villa María


In this paper we will deal with some aspects of Kant's thought on democracy. First, we will present his conception of history ruled by the idea of ​​progress seated in nature that guides political practical reason, to show enlightenment expectations for realization of freedom; then, we will focus on its position on the republic form of government (forma regiminis) as appropriate for a free one, and its rejection of democracy as a misunderstanding generated by the pretensions of equality materially conditioned.


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How to Cite

Trucco, O. . (2024). Kant: Democracy against Republic. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 26(4), 85–98. Retrieved from https://revele.uncoma.edu.ar/index.php/Sociales/article/view/5095