Associated factors with academic achievements in the last year of Argentine high school


  • Cecilia Adrogué Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Universidad de San Andrés
  • María Eugenia Orlicki Universidad de San Andrés


Academic performance, Secondary schools, Econometrics, Argentina


The objective is to analyze to what extent the learning achievements in the last year of high school -the prelude to higher education- are associated with the income level of families, their cultural capital and other socio-economic and demographic variables of both the student and his family, as well as the school he attends. We estimate a multilevel regression model using microdata from the Aprender 2017 census operation implemented in Argentina. Firstly, the results obtained show that around 30% of the differences in student performance refer to differences between schools and 70% to differences within schools. Secondly, our estimates suggest that younger male students, those who have not repeated, without parental responsibilities, readers in their spare time, those who are interested in school activities, with more educated parents and more books at home perform better on the Mathematics and Language tests. We also find that private, urban schools, with a more experienced principal, with good school climate and higher socioeconomic status are associated with better performance of their students.


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How to Cite

Adrogué, C. . ., & Orlicki , M. E. . (2022). Associated factors with academic achievements in the last year of Argentine high school. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 25(1), 106–129. Retrieved from