Economic inequality and occupational heterogeneity in contemporary Argentina (2003-2020)


  • Ramiro Enrique Robles Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales; Universidad de Buenos Aires


Structural Heterogeneity, Economic Inequality, Income Distribution


This paper analyzes the dynamics of economic inequality during the last two decades in Argentina. It addresses the changes and continuities of the income distribution under cycles of economic expansion, stagnation and crisis. Specifically, from the relationship established between households and the productive structure through the labour market, under conditions of persistent occupational and structural heterogeneity. The hypothesis of this work is that the argentine distributive dynamics of the last two decades involve the superposition of: a) limited changes, that closely follow the expansive, and later contractive, nature of economic cycles; and b) the maintenance of the main patterns of inequality that arise from structural conditions in the labour market, and the location of households in relation to it. To approach this, the paper presents a decomposition model of the Theil index to analyze the effects of the configuration of the socio-occupational structure on income inequality in each instance. The main findings point to initial improvements in economic inequality, linked to moderate falls of between group inequalities and inner-group income dispersion. However, once this rather limited process is over, inequality rises again, especially due to worsening opportunities in the labour market and regressive changes in the occupational structure.


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How to Cite

Robles, R. E. . (2022). Economic inequality and occupational heterogeneity in contemporary Argentina (2003-2020). Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 25(1), 1–25. Retrieved from