Rural memory of the Argentina of bicentenary


  • Noemí M. Girbal – Blacha CONICET; Universidad Nacional de Quilmes


Argentina, Agro, Conflicts, Bicentenary.


The main idea of the Argentinean history in the XIX C was the nation-building in which the corollary was the National State conformation in 1880, when the leading generation was composed by “liberals from the economic point of view and conservatives from the political point of view”. The oligarchic State fostered to “agro exporter model” and laid its constituent foundations on the rural production. After two centuries, it is important to think about the characteristics and consequences of the agrarian alternatives of a country of almost 3 million square meters. This country forms its model with an unequal profile in the fields of economy, politics, space and society.


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How to Cite

Girbal – Blacha, N. M. (2018). Rural memory of the Argentina of bicentenary. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 12(1), 1–11. Retrieved from