Custom work in the pampa region. Labour organization and capitalization strategies


  • José Muzlera Universidad Nacional de Quilmes; FONCyT


Custom farming, Agricultural family businesses, Work organization, Habitus, Farmers.


The first agricultural contractor in the Pampas appeared around the mid-nineteenth century, but custom farming became particularly relevant in the last two decades. Who are these subjects? How do they organize their work? And how do they capitalize? Based on papers, books and in-depth interviews in the area under study and relying on quantitative data from different data sources, the paper aims at answering the questions raised. Throughout the work, we will see that the relationship with the means of production and the level of capitalization are relevant to understand the behaviour of these people. Knowing the habitus will also be essential to understand capitalization channels, the internal organization of the company and the contractor´s relationship with the land.


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How to Cite

Muzlera, J. (2018). Custom work in the pampa region. Labour organization and capitalization strategies. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 13(1), 1–10. Retrieved from

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