Photographs and births in neruda


  • Patricio Lizama Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


Representation, Picture, Birth, Commitment, Neruda


This article makes a comparison between Pablo Neruda ́s two representations of the self at the start and at the end of his career. In Crepusculario --his first book-- he looked at the self in a
narcissistic way, as if he saw it reflected on a well; however, in Confieso que he vivido and Memorias de Isla Negra, the well disappears and the self is displaced. Neruda modifies the picture of his birth as a writer to reveal --in his last two books-- a wider image of himself. As the writer
adjusts the view of his past, the introspective journey becomes the same one and another.


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How to Cite

Lizama, P. (2017). Photographs and births in neruda. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 16(2). Retrieved from