Main conceptual reviews to the frame analysis. From frame to framing


  • Mariela Hemilse Acevedo Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani – UBA; CONICET.


Frame Analysis, Collective Action, Culture, Discursive Analysis, Pragmatism


The frame analysis was part of the "cultural turn" that occurred in the early '80s in the sociology of collective action and that included the appreciation of the symbolic dimension of the action in
studies of the social construction of the protest, gaining analytical importance the aspects like the symbolic production of movements. While their approaches have been widely appreciated for their
reconsideration of the cultural aspects of collective action, they were the subject of a series of reviews from other theories also attentive to the production of meaning in instances of social
mobilization and political communication. In these pages we will present briefly the idea of "collective frames" and examine the main criticisms of the proposals of the frame analysis from
authors who promote discourse analysis and narrative of collective action and others french authors influenced by pragmatic theory. From these reviews we aim to provide some considerations to keep
in mind to renovate and improve this analytical perspective of the cultural aspects of collective action.


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How to Cite

Acevedo, M. H. (2017). Main conceptual reviews to the frame analysis. From frame to framing. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 16(2). Retrieved from