Medical knowledge and medicalization in the school environment (1920-1940)


  • Adrián Cammarota


Key words, Education, School health, Medicine, Capital Federal, Provincia de Buenos Aires


The paper deals with the process of medicalization of school between 1940 and 1920 in Capital Federal and Province of Buenos Aires. This process was marked by the colonization of the national and provincial government by a group of doctors who applied their knowledge to improve the health of children / as with a view to forging a future healthy and disciplined for the working world citizen. However, we argue that the phenomenon was not linear and was far from effective, characterized by the lack of budget, indifference to medical checks by families or absence of doctors to carry out the educational-health company. The period focuses on the management of Dr. Enrique Olivieri who served as director of the School Medical Services of the National Council of Education's Office between 1924-1938 and the group of physicians who accompanied Olivieri from the central distribution. Alongside the professional activity of Dr. Carlos Cometto in the province of Buenos Aires it is addressed, whose management covered the years aforementioned. In this period the basis for the medicalization of the education system, with the advent of Peronism to power, will try to deepen through the centralization of educational services with the creation of the Ministry of National Education in 1949 would be made.


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How to Cite

Cammarota, A. (2017). Medical knowledge and medicalization in the school environment (1920-1940). Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(3), 33–51. Retrieved from