The question of community in contemporary sociological essay. Essence and appearance, ethics and aesthetics, rationality and affectivity


  • Eugenia Fraga


Community, We, Tribes, Ghetto, Identity


In this paper we intend to seek the ways in which the "question of community" was answered by a series of contemporary thinkers of the social. We will focus on the concepts of Lash's "shared meanings", Maffesoli's "tribes", Sennett's "pronoun we", and Bauman's "ethical community". After analyzing these concepts, we will arrive to the conclusion that, in contemporary social thought, "community" is defined by at least three axes: a) essence / appearance; b) ethics / aesthetics; and c) rationality / affectivity. All in all, we will be able to see that these three can be understood as some of the dimensions of community in present times.


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How to Cite

Fraga, E. (2017). The question of community in contemporary sociological essay. Essence and appearance, ethics and aesthetics, rationality and affectivity. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(3), 8–19. Retrieved from