They know it, but they are doing it. Slavoj žižek and the persistence of ideology critique


  • Santiago Roggerone Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani - Facultad de Ciencias Sociales - Universidad de Buenos Aires; CONICET


Žižek, Ideology Critique, Fantasy, Cynicism


The aim of the present paper is to trace the contours of the critical theory of ideology that Slavoj Žižek has developed. This paper deals with the author’s whole work, but it mainly attends to The
Sublime Object of Ideology. In order to reach the outlined aim, the paper will proceed through three steps: firstly, it will sketch the main characteristics of Žižek’s reading of Jacques Lacan’s work (1); after that, it will establish how Žižek links himself with the theoretical projects of authors such as Louis Althusser and Peter Sloterdijk (2); finally, based on previously seen, it will schematically outline author’s critical ideological perspective (3).


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How to Cite

Roggerone, S. (2017). They know it, but they are doing it. Slavoj žižek and the persistence of ideology critique. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(3), 1–10. Retrieved from