Conceptions of man behind the human cloning debate


  • Santiago Gabriel Calise Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani – CONICET; Universidad de Buenos Aires. Argentina


Ontología, Dignidad, Psicoanálisis, Determinismo biológico, Clonación humana


This paper deals with the conception of man underlying to some bioethical and law arguments on human cloning. For this purpose it has been selected texts of bioethics, philosophy and law
academic comments. The analyzed conceptions are the aristotelian-thomistic attempts of some Argentinean jurists to redevelop an ontology of the embryo and of the human being in general. Then
the attention will focus on Baudrillard’s elaborations, which on the one hand result in a psychoanalytical description of the cloned human beings, but on the other hand they also introduce
a sociological analysis of the contemporary society. Regarding the previously mentioned psychoanalytical reflections, some feminist interpretations will be introduced. Then the discourse
will take back to Habermas’ and Jonas’ classical visions on this topic, to end with some considerations on biological determinism.


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How to Cite

Calise, S. G. (2017). Conceptions of man behind the human cloning debate. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 18(1), 38–49. Retrieved from