Spaciality and work: the garbage pickers/sorters in the city of La Plata


  • María Eugenia Rausky


Labour spaciality, Garbage pickers/sorters, Every day geography, La Plata/Buenos Aires.


This work focuses in how do the garbage pickers/sorters (paper, pasteboard and the like), both children and adults see themselves facing the link created by space-work. We question the way that an street activity is lived by those who do it for a living. How is the city felt and lived by street workers? What particularities are to be found in street work? What kind of sociability exists in the street as working place? What relations exists between downtown dwellers and those who live in the outskirts? We are interested in defining means and ways to practice and
to represent the working space, viewing the impact resulting in the sense the work has as asigned by work givers. The research strategy is qualitative, based on deep interviews, and participant observation.


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How to Cite

Rausky, M. E. (2017). Spaciality and work: the garbage pickers/sorters in the city of La Plata. Revista Pilquen. Sección Ciencias Sociales, 19(1), 29–41. Retrieved from